UPDATE: January meeting rescheduled for Jan. 19
Due to the coming snowstorm, we have cancelled this week’s meeting and have rescheduled for the following Wednesday, January 19, at 7 PM. It will be an open mic night, so please feel free to bring your projects, questions, or answers. There is a lot of experience and talent in the club, and this is a chance to draw upon the most valuable asset the club has: our members.
We have confirmed with the church that we can meet there on January 19.
Don’t forget that membership dues are due at the January meeting. Regular membership is $40.00 per year. Membership for people over 65 is $30.00 per year. If you filled out a Voucher Form during 2010 for doing some service for the club, the membership fee is also $30.00.
We would also like to remind everyone that elections for all of the CJWA officer positions are coming in January, and anyone is welcome to run for any of the officer positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian. If you are interested, you are invited to talk to the current officers for information.
Thanks, and hope no one gets stuck in the snow. See you next week.